Clipper for a Day
This program is designed to familiarize prospective students in the seventh and eighth grades with Xaverian. The student will be introduced and assigned to a current freshman or sophomore and will accompany that student throughout the day, beginning in homeroom and following the entire day in the life of a Clipper from 8:15 am to 2:30 pm. Register below!
- Currently, 8th graders are welcome to visit in Fall 2024.
- 7th graders are welcome to visit from April through May 2025. (Sign ups will open later in the year)
- Genesis students should email Mr. Frank Elie '12 at regarding scheduling a buddy day.
Students should be dressed appropriately in professional attire (boys: dress pants, dress shoes, collared shirt; girls: dress pants or knee-length dress/skirt, and dress shoes) OR students may choose to wear their school uniforms.
Please Note: Due to the number of students utilizing our buses this year, we are unable to extend bus service to our buddies. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.